Stop drinking coffee on an empty stomach? !

coffee Coffee is a good thing to refresh yourself. Black coffee can help refresh your mind, help burn fat, reduce stroke and so on. Many modern people are used to drinking a cup of coffee in the morning to boost their spirits to welcome each day. But if you have the habit of drinking coffee on an empty stomach and only drinking coffee without breakfast for a long time (more than one or two years), have you noticed the following physical and psychological conditions:

  1. Bloating easily.
  2. Stomach bloating easily.
  3. Emotional ups and downs.
  4. Feel tired easily in the afternoon.
  5. constipate.
  6. Irregular periods.
  7. Easily bruises.
  8. prone to anxiety.
  9. Inexplicable weight gain.
  10. Dry skin.

 After reading it, did you find yourself in any of the above situations? Drinking coffee on an empty stomach for a long time without eating breakfast is actually harmful to your digestive system and hormones. Both physical and mental will be affected!


  • What causes bloating and flatulence:

The caffeine in coffee will cause a large amount of gastric acid secretion. Since there is no other food that can prevent gastric acid from breaking the stomach wall when you are in an empty stomach, drinking coffee on an empty stomach is even more harmful to your stomach. There is also a risk of gastroesophageal reflux.

  • Reasons for unexplained weight gain:

Olys ’s previous blog post mentioned about insulin . If you drink coffee on an empty stomach for a long time, your corticosterone will increase, and corticosterone will increase your stress hormones, and this hormone is closely related to your insulin. When corticosterone is elevated, your insulin is also elevated, leading to fat storage problems (especially in the abdominal area).

  • Why anxiety and easy mood swings:

Drinking coffee on an empty stomach triggers an adrenaline rush. And adrenaline will soar rapidly when stimulated, nervous or external pressure. So it can cause irritability, anxiety, nervousness, etc. Caffeine can control your mood.

  • Why do you feel particularly lethargic in the afternoon:

Called Caffeine Crash, caffeine can delay fatigue, but when the caffeine recedes, the body will start to feel drowsy, suddenly lack of energy, and unable to focus.

  • What causes irregular menstruation:

Drinking coffee on an empty stomach messes up your blood sugar, making it too high. Unstable blood sugar can be one of the potential causes of menstrual irregularities.

Of course, the above is not to tell everyone to quit coffee. We can choose the right time to drink coffee, so that we will not have the above problems. It is recommended that you drink coffee after bed and breakfast.

Supplement: Drinking coffee 30 minutes before exercise can help improve exercise performance. He's like our pre-workout.

Hope the above article is helpful to you.

Olys is also here to wish everyone a happy new year 🐰.

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