How girls learn to motivate themselves by comparing themselves.

Do you girls have more or less experience in comparison with others? ! See the photos on Instagram and compare yourself to them! Why is my waist thicker than hers? ! My figure is not as good as his! And so on and so forth.

Olys wants to get the girls to think in this article. Does your comparison lead you in a better direction or in a worse direction? ! Those Instagram fits can be the motivation and determination to get better. But definitely don't let it be the source of your low self-confidence .

Everyone's genetics, body type, and athletic training are different. The body shape presented will naturally be different. Think about it, if the world were all of the same body type, it would be boring to death.

Olys want to encourage girls to make comparisons the direction that makes you want to get better. Convert comparisons to targets. For example: "I want Kendal Jenner's figure"! Olys said: "Good! very good! Then work towards that goal. 』There will definitely be ups and downs on the way to reach the goal, but girls remember to remind themselves constantly during the process, you have to know that you will reach the goal you set yourself! But it's just that everyone reaches their goals at different times and at different speeds! But you must give yourself a time limit! How long does it take to achieve what goals and set a timetable for yourself.

Olys has some tips to advise girls, don't set the goal too high or too far at the beginning. Such people usually give up easily! Get out your calendar and write down your goals for the first week.

For example: 1. The amount of water to drink this week should reach 1500c.c.
2. Go to the gym or run twice this week.

Ok! The goals for this week have been ticked, so set the goals for the second week a little higher.

1. Drink 2000c.c. of water this week.
2. Go to the gym or exercise three times this week.

Push this column. When a month later, you look back and see that these goals have been achieved! Your sense of accomplishment and self-confidence will increase. Then you can move on to the next higher goal.

This is the way to persevere. Instead of aggressively telling your body that you can't eat fried food tomorrow! No drinks! People's habits are difficult to change in a short period of time. It takes time to accumulate slowly. In the journey to achieve this goal, you just need to enjoy the exercise process and sense of accomplishment. Move forward without haste, the goal is not far ahead.
I hope all the girls can turn the comparison into a motivation to change for the better. Let's get better together!

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